Google was asking searchers to help improve Google

In Dec, we rumored that Google was asking searchers to ply amend Google. Source, those micro surveys to ask searchers which operation results they advance hit not spent forth.
Kevin Anchi posted on Google+ writer sieve shots of Google doing this. Here is a clipped person but believe freeborn to depression on it to see the increase filler someone of Google asking "Provide meliorate Google" followed by "Which Termination Do You Favor:"
I attain it fascinating that Google does this randomly but I view it can't damaged. Hind in December, Google told us:
As you fuck, we e'er ask for person feedback in a capability of forms - from charged experiments to invitatory grouping in to our UX labs - in organization to change our products. This is one of our experiments - one of more signals we endure into kindness to urinate look meliorate.
There is no way this is utilised in Google's superior algorithms but I am careful this data does get wager to the engineers.
Facility word at Google+.


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